Dental Implant
Get Dental Implant in Cherry Hill NJ
The routine use of dental implants has revolutionized prosthodontics and the ways that missing teeth are replaced. Dental implants have become the standard of care for the replacement of teeth because dental implants allow a missing tooth (or teeth) to be restored to optimum function and appearance without further invasion or damage to any other teeth or tissues.
With today’s use of prosthodontic technology, the patient is given a crown that is supported by a dental implant. This process avoids any compromise to the other teeth. Dental implants are the ultimate solution for young people with congenitally missing teeth.
Dental implants can also replace multiple missing teeth which have traditionally been replaced by a removable partial denture. Occasionally, dental implants can act as anchors for a fixed bridge to replace the teeth, thus making the removable partial denture obsolete. In some cases, there are too many teeth missing to use a fixed bridge; however, using a dental implant with an attachment that snaps into the removable partial denture significantly improves its stability and improves the patient’s chewing function.
Perhaps the best known use of dental implants is treating patients without any teeth. Denture wearers often suffer from loose or “floating” dentures and in such cases, dental implants offer many benefits. Stability of the dentures can be improved with the use of just two dental implants with attachments, but greater satisfaction is achieved as the number of dental implants is increased. Depending on the number of dental implants utilized to replace the teeth a denture can be madethat clips onto a bar supported by the dental implants or, a fixed denture that remains in the mouth can be attached to the dental implants. Dental implants also can help preserve the patient’s jaw bone and retard the shrinking of the jaw that is routinely seen in long-term denture wearers.